Assurance (Hebrews 6:10-12)
One of the problems that Christians face, and often do at communion times, is assurance. Various suggestions have been made for this, such as infrequency of occasions, or wrong ideas about the nature of the Supper by regarding it in superstitious ways. It has been said that there are two types of people who need to be concerned about assurance. One is those who claim to have it, but who should not have it because they don’t live as Christians should. The other type is those who should have it, yet don’t, even although they live as Christians should. But when we think about it, neither of those options really deal with the issue of true assurance, but they do highlight a couple of problems connected to it. The people addressed in Hebrews had lost their degree of assurance. This was one of the reasons for the book being written because the writer wanted them to change direction and resume the spiritual path on which full assurance is found (Heb. 6:10-12). They had become sluggish spiritu...