Looking at and Listening to the Word (John 1:1-18)
Jesus is given numerous names in the Bible and we are familiar with some of them because of their frequent use. We can narrow them down in this sermon by asking if different names are mentioned by John in his Gospel. They are, and in this Gospel, for example, he is called the Son of God, the Lamb of God and the Light of the World. In the prologue of the Gospel he is also called the Word, a name which we might not understand when first we read it, but which would have been important to John’s initial readers. Literally, the term is logos, which was commonly used at the time to describe reason or a rational statement. It was used to describe the governing principle behind the existence of the universe. Here John uses it as a name for the Son of God as the Creator, and there is an obvious connection between saying that he is the source of reason and the one who gives light to every person. Yet there is more to light than intellectual understanding. Perhaps, by light, John is referring to ...