The Angel at Bochim (Judges 2:1-5)
In the previous chapter of Judges there are two lists. One list concerns successes that the children of Israel had known under the guidance of Joshua and the second list concerns failures that they had experienced. Perhaps we might have been happy with that description of things because life is usually composed of progresses and declines. Maybe the children of Israel were content too, especially if we recall that initially they did not possess any of the land. Whether they were or not, there was one person who was not content, but we might be surprised at who it is. Who is he? The one concerned about the situation is called the angel of the Lord. The word angel can have the idea of messenger and on this occasion the angel had a message for the people. Yet as we look at his message, we can see that he did not pass on a message that spoke about what God had done. Instead, he passed on a message about what he had done in the past, what he had said and done, and those act...