Angels at Mamre and Sodom (Genesis 18 and 19)
Paul informed the Ephesians that the angels learn things about God and his plan by observing the church. The writer to the Hebrews reminded his readers that the angels serve the heirs of salvation, not in the sense of doing what the heirs want, but what the heirs need according to will of God. It is legitimate to assume that the angels were engaged in those activities of learning and helping during the Old Testament period as well as in that of the New Testament. We can ask of this passage if the angels would have learned anything about God’s salvation or if they engaged in serving believers by helping them. This is a remarkable passage because it describes several activities of two angels in the homes of two believers. Some of the activities were similar and others were quite different. In each there was a meal. One visit concludes with Abraham having fellowship with the Lord and a description of divine blessing on his family; the other visit concludes with the isolation of L...