Two Men at Prayer (Luke 18:10-15)
The context of this parable indicates that Jesus had a focus on prayer at this time. Immediately before the description of this parable, Jesus told the story of the widow who pestered an unjust judge, and says that her behaviour is a precise illustration of how to pray. Jesus says some more things about prayer in this parable of the Pharisee and the tax collector. Some similarities about prayer We might imagine that there would not have been many similarities between a Pharisee and a tax collector. But here are some examples. First, both men in the parable wanted to pray to God. So the mere fact of wanting to pray may not say very much to an onlooker. In this situation, both seemed to be men of prayer. We should not be surprised by that. Every religion involves prayers of some kind. All we need to do is think about the wide range of prayer that is offered in various ways day by day. Second, both men addressed God and both of them acknowledged that the Lord was the source of what they n...