Growth and Glory (2 Peter 3:18)
Peter closes his second letter with an exhortation and a doxology. Both concern Jesus. The exhortation is connected to growing in knowledge of him and the doxology is a desire for him to have glory. Growth and Jesus Jesus is identified by two titles – he is the Lord and he is the Saviour. The first title refers to his position and the second refers to his purpose. When did he become Lord? While several answers could be suggested to that question, the likely answer is at his exaltation. It is possible that Peter is referring to a personal relationship rather than his position, and if he is doing so, then he became the Lord of Peter and his readers when each of them was converted. But usually this title refers to his position given to him as his reward for his successful work on the cross. This position is a very high one because he is at God’s right hand. The Father invited the ascended Saviour to sit there, on the throne of God. He is in control of all things, which means that it is a ...