Paul's Prayer for the Colossians (Colossians 1:3-12)
Paul usually has a thanksgiving followed by an intercession at the beginning of his letters. It is a valid assumption that he details the contents of his prayers in order to show his readers how they should pray. So we can learn to pray by listening in to Paul’s prayer for the Colossians. The first detail to observe is the manner by which Paul addresses God in his prayer. Although he was a Jew, he did not use the name ‘God of Israel’, although he did mention the Messiah when he said that he was praying to the Father of the Lord Jesus Christ. Perhaps he is stressing that we pray to the Father in the name of Jesus and we can see what authority he has. Since he is the exalted Lord, we can have great confidence that we will be heard by his Father and our Father. Paul’s gratitude Paul had two encouragements – one was what had taken place locally in Colosse and the other was what was happening globally in the world. B...