Closing remarks (1 Peter 5:12-14)
Peter concludes his letter with a number of personal references and descriptions of the Christian life. Although they are his closing remarks, they are also inspired words. One way to see how they apply to us is to ask a string of questions. So we can ask five. The questions are not inappropriate, but normal ones to use of this passage. 1. What does it mean to be a faithful brother (v. 12)? It is generally assumed that this Silvanus is the same person as the Silas who was with Paul at an earlier period. Peter could be referring to Silvanus as the deliverer of the letter as well as the amanuensis who wrote down what Peter had dictated to him. It was customary for senders of letters to comment about the deliverer, because often the deliverer would give information about the circumstances of the sender. If he was the deliverer, it was important that the recipients knew that he was more than a postman with nothing to say about Peter’s situation. There are two ideas in this descr...