Walking Carefully (Ephesians 5:15–6:9)
Paul continues with his explanation of how to live for the Lord and highlights three more requirements. He stresses that the Christian walk is a careful one if we want to reach the right destination. The requirements are wisdom, filled with the Spirit and submission. Wisdom The first detail that he mentions is the need for wisdom. Wisdom presupposes knowledge, but we can have knowledge without wisdom. Wisdom is the proper application of our knowledge. The knowledge that we have is the will of the Lord. God has a secret will, but that is not the will meant here by Paul. Rather it is God’s revealed will for our behaviour and we are told about it in the Bible by precept and by example. Sometimes the details are expressed positively, telling us to do them; sometimes the details are expressed negatively, telling us not to do them. They are summarised in the Ten Commandments, expanded in the Sermon on the Mount, and mentioned in different ways throughout the Bible. Wise...