The Crucifixion of Jesus (Matthew 27:27-50)
There have been many accounts provided of the deaths of individuals. Some of them were martyrs, others were courageous soldiers, others were coping with diseases. Some of the accounts have been embellished with details that the readers cannot know if they are true or not. Matthew presents facts about the death of Jesus that people had observed taking place and they could be verified by individuals still alive when he wrote his account. The demeaning of Jesus After Pilate had pronounced the death sentence on Jesus, some soldiers took Jesus to their barracks and forced him to endure the entire battalion’s contempt. It is possible that they engaged in a game called The King’s Game which may have included the various details mentioned here. Yet it may also be the case that their actions reflected the reasons why Jesus was condemned by Pilate – he had been accused of involvement in an attempt to overthrow the Roman authorities. The intention of the soldiers was to demean Jesus an...