Are Your Prayers Being Answered? (James 4:1-3)
James obviously had information about what life was like in the gatherings of Christians to which he sent this letter. Instead of being places of peace and fellowship they were the opposite. He wants them to consider where they are and how they arrived there, and also what one of the major consequences was. And he does this by asking straightforward questions, by getting them to think about their situation. There is an important historical lesson here. Often the impression is given that the New Testament church was wonderful for a long time. Certainly, we see a happy church described in Acts 2:42 with its mention of its four activities of continuing in the apostles’ doctrine, in fellowship, in breaking of bread and in prayers. Yet we should ask, ‘How long did this harmony last for?’ The answer is that it did not last for long, as we can read in the Book of Acts with the accounts of the failure to look after needy widows and the attempted deceit of Ananias and Sapphira. And we are...