The Testimony of the Heroes (Hebrews 11:13-16)
This sermon was preached on 29/9/2013 The writer of Hebrews begins a new section in his argument in this chapter because verses 13–16 are the heading that entitles the verses that follow them (it is unlikely that he is summarising the testimony of those he has mentioned previously because his first point is that the ones he has in mind all died, and Enoch did not die). Each of the people he is going to mention were not satisfied with where they were and instead looked ahead to what God had provided for them, even although they died in different ways and locations. As far as his original readers were concerned, the author’s point is to show that suffering and opposition were the common experience of God’s people in all ages. The men and women he mentioned were prepared to persevere through these ordeals because they believed that God’s promises about the Messiah, when they would be fulfilled, would more than make up for their pain. This...