Psalm 139 - Who is My God
This sermon was preached on 28/7/2013 Psalm 139 was written by David, although he does not indicate when he composed it. Yet although we do not know when he wrote it, we can see from the contents how he wrote it. It is very clear that this psalm focuses on several of God’s attributes. So it is a worship song full of strong theology. Of course, there is more than one way of writing accurate theology. It can be put together in dry, tedious and complicated language, with the consequence that the God described is not attractive to the heart. In contrast, theology can be written in a warm, devotional and personal manner, with the outcome of loving and grateful adoration of the God of grace. The God who knows me (vv. 1-6) The theological term for God’s knowledge is his omniscience. To put it into one sentence, God knows all things actual and possible. He knows how many blades of grass there are as well as how many people there are. As far as each one of us is concerned...