The Living and Powerful Word of God (Heb. 4:12-13)
This sermon was preached on 28/4/2013 In our previous study, we noted how one of the marks of modern society is restlessness and how this problem is handled by the author of Hebrews in this chapter. The answer to restlessness and unease is Jesus. In verses 12 and 13, we can that the author is dealing with another contemporary problem, the lack of truth. We live in a cosmetic age, in which the truth is hidden by all kinds of things. The term ‘ cosmetic ’ means superficial, and that is what a society becomes when it loses truth. One of the saddest features of postmodernity is its use of words to hide the truth. We call it ‘ spin ’ , but spinning is not limited to politicians. What our society needs is a source of truth, a source that will not only detail the truth in general, but which will also tell me the truth about myself. Here, our author tells us that the source of truth is here, the word of God. A great deal of discussion has taken place as to who or what...