Come to Jesus for a Change (Matt. 11:28-30)
This sermon was preached on 27/1/2013 This is a well-known passage to any who are familiar with the teachings of Jesus. It was said about halfway through his three years of public ministry. The first year had been one of popularity as people wondered if Jesus would set them free from their various troubles. Now, in the second year, opposition was rising against him and, as we can see from the context, rejection of his message was becoming frequent. The background to the passage is at least twofold. First, there is the rejection of Christ by the cities in which he had done many gracious acts, cities such as Bethsaida, Chorazin and Capernaum. This feature has two important lessons for us. (i) Jesus indicates that there will be degrees of punishment, that those who receive more blessings, and rejected them, will be judged more severely than those who did not receive any. (ii) Although a community may reject Jesus, he yet offers blessings to individuals who will receive him....