Peter in Lydda and Joppa (Acts 9:31-43)
This sermon was preached on 13/5/2012 Sometimes the church of Jesus Christ has periods of persecution and at other times it has periods of popularity. In Acts 9 a period of opposition comes to an end with the conversion of Saul of Tarsus and a period of popularity begins. We can see the popularity described in verses 35 and 42. One feature that marked the period of popularity was spiritual power and I would suggest that is what Luke is stressing in these verses. Some aspects of the power were limited to the people at that time whereas other aspects should mark the church at every stage. It is at this point in his story that Luke returns to what Peter was doing for Jesus. Luke gives a beautiful description of the spiritual environment in which Peter laboured for Jesus in verse 31. He says that the church was healthy (it was being built up and growing in stature as well as in numbers). Two details are highlighted: they walked in the fear of God and they enjoyed the comfort of the...