A Bible-centred People (Col. 3:16)
This sermon was preached on 28/4/2011 Paul has been describing the priorities of the new man, that is, the new humanity or the people of God redeemed by Jesus Christ. They should be identified by their spiritual attire of love (vv. 12-14), by their experience of peace as they submit to the rule of Jesus (v. 15), and by an ongoing focus on the word of Christ (v. 16). We have already considered the attire and the experience of peace, and we will now think about the apostle’s instructions about the church as a word-centred community. The initial comment that I would make is that the order of Paul’s instructions is important. It is not possible to be a word-centred people if we are not marked by the spiritual qualities specified for us to wear, such as compassionate hearts, kindness, humility, meekness, and patience, bearing with one another and forgiving each other – all of which are expressed through love. The existence of such attitudes enables the believers to experience peace as the...