Jesus and Fasting (Mark 2:18-22)
This sermon was preached on 11/4/2010 I wonder what day of the week Levi was converted. It looks as if it was either a Monday or a Thursday because they were the two days of each week when the Pharisees fasted. Remember the parable Jesus told about the Pharisee and the tax-collector – one of the claims made by the Pharisee is that he fasted twice a week (Luke 18:12). It is interesting that Jesus chose to go to a feast on the day that prominent religious groups were having a fast. This practice of fasting twice a week was a man-made rule and Jesus had no intention of allowing his followers become ensnared by such religious actions. Instead he went to Levi’s home and participated in the celebration. This discussion about fasting is a continuation of the disagreement the Pharisees had over the company that Jesus was keeping. It is important to note that this is not a passage on which to base the features of Christian fasting. A casual reading of it might deduce that Jesus did not approv...