Two Cities (Micah 1)
In verse 1 we are told when Micah ministered and about what he spoke. His ministry overlapped with that of Isaiah and the focus of his message concerned both the northern kingdom of Israel and the southern kingdom of Judah (there is no hint that he actually went to the northern kingdom of Israel, but issues concerning it were of interest because they belonged to the same people as Judah). The reigns of the three kings of Judah that he mentions covered a period of decline in national power and the Assyrian empire had become dominant. But the rise of Assyria did not diminish the power of God or his ability to rule the world in his providence. His messages came from God through visions (Micah saw them). Micah came from a small town about twenty-five miles from Jerusalem. This verse is an example of what the author of Hebrews says about the different ways by which God gave messages to his prophets to convey to their listeners. It is also a reminder that God can raise up spokesmen in days o...